Wednesday, 4 April 2012

So what's in the name?

"What's in a name? That which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet."
Romeo and Juliet (II, ii, 1-2)

For us the name 'Peapod' is a sweet smelling name and How did we come about it? is a question that pops up every time we speak to clients and candidates.  Well here's the answer.

There was no scientific process to coming up with a name like Peapod, although we did try a few methods to come up with the name.  Numerous ideas came and went before we settled on it, some were good, some ok and some, well lets be polite and say we decided against them.  

We tried numerous options and every time checked on whether it had been thought of before, on most occasions it belonged to someone, usually an IT company in Milton Keynes or a graphic design company in Cleethorpes ... (me neither), but just when we thought we had come up with the right name we had a flash of inspiration which changed it all .........

From our 3 year old son, Oscar, who whilst having one of our weekend family cuddles along with our one year old daughter Betsy declared that the cuddle with us all wrapped snug under the duvet was like being 'peas in a pod'.  My wife and I looked at each other and i think that she saw the glint in my eye about what he had just said.  Needless to say the we were onto the laptop in no time seeing whether 'Peapod' had been used before, it had, but not in a way that bothered us and certainly not in recruitment, and so it was on to the domain company to to buy the name in all formats we could find. 

The peapod analogy works in a number of different ways, but mainly that peas fit into a pod as well as candidates into a job as we would like to hope that all the candidates we place are a perfect fit for that position.

So, no matter what science and thought processes you put into coming up with an idea, sometimes its worth listening in to your son or daughter and just maybe they will come up with the idea without even knowing it, or do they???